Identifications given to each Telnet session into a
router. The shoe sessions command will give
you the connections a local router will have to a remote router. The
show users command will show the connection
IDs of users telnetted into your local router. [TOC]
The technique used by layered protocols in which a layer
adds header information to the protocol data unit (PDU) from the layer
above. As an example, in Internet terminology, a packet would contain
a header from the Physical layer, followed by a header from the Network
layer(IP), followed by a header from the Transport layer (TCP), followed
by the application protocol data. [TOC]
Encapsulation at the Data Link layer of the OSI model.
It is called framing because the packet is encapsulated with both a
header and a trailer. [TOC]
1) A software structure that operates within a network
device as a destination point for communications. 2) In AppleTalk networks,
an entity at a specific location within a node; AppleTalk sockets are
conceptually similar to TCP/IP ports. [TOC]
Abbreviated VC, a logical circuit devised to assure
reliable communication between two devices on a network. Defined by
a virtual path connection (VPC)/virtual path identifier (VCI) pair,
a virtual circuit can be permanent (PVC) or switched (SVC). Virtual
circuits are used in Frame Relay and X.25. Known as virtual channel
in ATM. [TOC]